One might have expected him to opt for a younger, aggressive firm that more closely reflected his own personality.
The younger firms "don't have that core client base to carry them through," he said.
Our culture has so many talented architects and planners, both within the large, established companies and at younger firms.
The young high-tech firms were way out ahead.
It may be that the youngest firms create the most jobs.
It sounds harder than it was for young firms to get started, especially since stores have merged.
Faces young but solemn, old for their age, the eyes tense, the lips firm.
"We really saw an opportunity for a young aggressive creative firm that's well managed and maintaining its costs to succeed in the municipal finance sector."
However, the young firm quickly had trouble making payments to the Dodge brothers due to slow sales.
The young firm's success was not just due to the two students' hard work.