A decade later while discussing his find to a young geologist, Manion quite surprised, discovered that the sample was nearly pure silver.
A young geologist from the surface, Anna, stumbled upon the D'ni civilization.
One night I had dinner with a young geologist who worked for a large oil company.
Ballard enters the picture as a young marine geologist in the late 1960's.
They in turn sent a young American geologist to the area to develop the find into a working concern.
The young geologist had not put down his books since he had come into the ward.
Even after all they had been through, he was still a bit tongue-tied in the presence of the attractive, young geologist.
As a young geologist, he said, he witnessed "the face of starvation" in South America.
What was left for a young geologist to discover?
Asher watched as the young geologist stood up, nodded, made for the door.