Michael Rosenbaum portrayed a young incarnation of the character in the series Smallville.
Babette's younger incarnation - who else?
The First Doctor is the youngest incarnation of the Doctor, but has the most aged physical appearance, having grown old through a natural lifespan.
The young incarnations of Fozzie and Rowlf are also frequently paired together on Muppet Babies.
Sagen, 22 at the time, played the part of 70-year-old Owe's ski jumping mother, although in a younger incarnation.
The opera is narrated entirely by the voices of Jim and his wife, Alyce, in older and younger incarnations.
Imagine a young Jamaican incarnation of Danny Meyer - thin, snappy dresser, dynamic.
This is a long-established classic, and the young David Hallberg's incarnation of Death, new last year, is fast becoming a classic of its own.
Referring to the author at 67 and his younger incarnation, she said that "both make exhilarating and charming traveling companions."
He gestured toward his younger incarnation, awash in difficulties and confusion.