Before the break, the young left-hander had a 7-4 record and a 3.39 earned run average.
Not surprisingly, the young left-hander and the old right-hander are taking vastly different approaches.
By that time, the young left-hander had scattered four hits and struck out six Rangers.
"They took a chance on a young left-hander at 21; they didn't have to."
In five starts, all of which the Braves have won, the young left-hander has a 4-0 record and a 1.23 e.r.a.
Their young left-hander, Sid Fernandez, couldn't even get himself arrested.
You probably saw two of the better young left-handers in the league tonight.
The young left-hander allowed five hits in just over three innings, and not another until two were down in the ninth.
I signed one of their young, 24-year-old left-handers, this kid Woo.
He won over a generation of farmhands, including Jeff Johnson, the young left-hander.