Hari knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by a young maidservant who looked her over in disdain.
He found the great hall empty, but a young maidservant appeared immediately, showed him to a table, and vanished.
There the young maidservant had remained for almost a month, with no visitors and existing only on bread and water.
It was a very young maidservant, nervous and ill at ease.
A young maidservant with a head of unruly brown curls came forward, bobbing a curtsy of sorts.
A young maidservant had been despatched upstairs to sit with Johnny, but he was a good sleeper and she would have little to do.
Her parting words to Mary had proved most instructive to the young maidservant.
We ascended by a narrow back stair to the second floor, where a very young and frightened-looking maidservant was waiting.
The young maidservants thought they had never seen anyone so handsome.
A young maidservant ran forward and poured red wine into a goblet of blue glass.