THE Liceu was the idea of young militiamen who formed a musical society and produced an opera in 1838.
Posters of Lenin were torn down by enthusiastic young militiamen.
The cause of Bolan's trouble was a young militiaman with kidney problems, coming back from the latrine.
Mr. Alin, 22, was one of the thousands of young militiamen who prowl this city.
The young militiaman enjoyed riding on the jeep, much more so after they'd passed the mine and the road for all practical purposes seemed to disappear.
The young militiaman waved a spear-like weapon.
The man said he had been led to his home by a young militiaman of about 25.
A young, earnest-faced militiaman had followed them out.
A young militiaman came in, his bearing stiff and uneasy.
Suddenly, one of the young militiamen was standing at his side.