They hadn't seen each other for a month and a half, and when they saw each other, their faces lit up like young newlyweds.
So what happened to estrange the young newlyweds during their honeymoon?
"Look at this," Anita said, indicating with her hand the pool where young newlyweds were swimming less and playing love games more.
They were patently happy together, but not in the manner of younger newlyweds, who never wanted any company save their own.
They both played the part of young starry-eyed newlyweds... The night before, they had made love with even more passion and affection than before.
Did she have any advice for the young newlyweds?
Standard, our class, is fit for only one person, or perhaps newlyweds - very young and extremely enamored newlyweds.
He couldn't blame her very much after all she had done to try and patch things up between two juvenile young newlyweds.
Instead, she said premarital testing would slow the spread of the disease, as well as give peace of mind to young newlyweds.
The wedding guests raised their golf clubs in the air to form an arch for the young newlyweds to walk under after their marriage ceremony.