They play him as an old man and a younger, more notorious rake.
The winner of the 1810 Prix de Rome depicts the subject as a self-assured young rake.
Couldn't her father see that that young rake was all but drooling on his daughter's neck?
He's a heart crusher, that young rake, like I was!
A handsome young rake, Binky had been obliged to marry beneath him when his father gambled away the family capital.
He's a thorough young rake, I should say.' '
Burmin, the young rake, noticed the attractiveness of the bride and decided to play a prank by going through with the ceremony.
I looked at the young blond-haired rake in the mirror.
The life of ill-fame she had led in Dublin had been forced upon her, and by his act as an irresponsible young rake.
"That young rake has a louder voice than I do, if you can believe it," Cherfan had said, lolling his tongue in a rueful grimace.