Just what do these rich young retirees from a hardware company bring to a scene that is increasingly dominated by software and commerce?
These younger retirees, with spouses sometimes in their early 50's and even 40's, are seeking communities that belie the traditional image of retirement.
One of the men the Company has been watching is a young retiree, name of Michael Rideout.
Critics of the plan say it would create a huge sum of additional federal debt and could cut benefits to unacceptable levels for younger retirees.
The evaporation of health benefits for younger retirees will play an important role in the final career trajectory of the baby boom generation, economists say.
The agency assumes that the younger retirees can find part-time jobs, but the area's unemployment is estimated at 30 percent.
It is the younger retirees, they sometimes complain, who are most likely to leave for the summer or be off traveling or playing golf in the winter.
And, I expect there will always be a new bunch of younger retirees moving in.
Retirement migration is the most commonly discussed example of movement away from large urban areas, and has increasingly affected younger retirees.
This section says that employers can legally provide retirees over the age of 65 with health benefits that are inferior to those provided younger retirees.