As part of her research for the show she travelled to meet young runaways in London.
It is about a scandal at a home for young runaways operated by a church.
This led to the government developing a strategy on the protection of young runaways for the first time ever.
The busy parents must find a way to bring the young runaways back home.
He walked the streets at night, unarmed, befriending young runaways.
So the department recently plucked the names of five young runaways from its records.
We're a charitable foundation that helps young runaways survive the streets.
It hurt Eric to see young runaways exploited by the street people.
The company had bought the hotel shortly before from Covenant House, the shelter for young runaways.
They'd meet up with young, disaffected runaways, get to talking to them, then introduce them to the legitimate side of their religion.