He was educated at Kingston's Alpha Boys School, where he later taught his younger schoolmate Rico Rodriguez to play the trombone.
A school bus matron was on duty, along with the driver, in a van where the police say two Brooklyn boys sexually abused a younger schoolmate, officials said yesterday.
This morning, as four of his students and a teacher lay in funeral homes and two young schoolmates sat in jail, charged in the killings, the talk was kinder than usual.
Bob Molyneux, a young schoolmate from Quarry Bank, recorded part of the performance on his Grundig TK8 portable reel-to-reel tape recorder.
The partners in the Locust Valley networks were trained to promote self-confidence and foster decision making, to encourage a drug-free way of life for their younger schoolmates.
Matt falls under the influence of a young schoolmate who breaks into houses and steals VCRs.
Anton Denikin began tutoring younger schoolmates so that the family could earn additional income.
Her three young schoolmates clapped in their excitement.
It was felt that granting untrained and unsupervised older adolescents the power to impose comprehensive thrashings on their younger schoolmates whenever they chose, might have adverse psychological effects.
Thea Elvsted - A younger schoolmate of Hedda and a former acquaintance of George.