First you must always remember your place in the young sportsman's life.
A young sportsman plays to win, and a sports mother must support nothing less at all costs.
She was 30 and he was a younger, Canadian professional sportsman.
"How he conducts himself on and off the course makes him a great role model for young sportsmen and women."
During this period the club were recruiting many young sportsmen from the area to play new sports, in order to relieve financial pressures.
But the instinct of the young sportsman was about to be put to a still more rigorous trial.
This track is a tribute to young sportsmen and women who are able to perform at their highest level under pressure.
It was open country for the most part, popular with young sportsmen.
We must also combat the excesses of the transfer system, especially the trade in young professional sportsmen.
The same year he was proclaimed for the best young sportsman in Macedonia.