A high chair is a piece of furniture used for feeding older babies and younger toddlers.
Truly small children, toddlers too young to talk, were usually in the charge of an older sister.
For young toddlers, their complex sentences are little more than mimicry.
Why is a frightened young toddler being held prisoner in a locked room a floor below Kira's?
Ian appeared with a woman carrying a young toddler.
At the last molt you would have probably still been a toddler, too young to remember.
But even the youngest toddlers were beginning to react to mounting tensions.
Imitating negative things is something that is never beyond young toddlers.
Many women with young toddlers are finding it difficult to make time for a .
She walked part of each day with Dalma and the other young mothers, at a pace slow enough for the youngest toddler to keep up.