It was driven by a young trader with a foolish way of smiling.
Meriwether cast a spell over the young traders who worked for him.
If a young trader stumbled in a few bond trades, the problem would be quickly recognized.
The traders, generally young, often have a horizon of several hours, sometimes several minutes or less.
The family of a young trader should be given $5 million for lost income, they argue, not $3 million.
At times, he was extremely patient and friendly with the young traders, going to their homes for poker games.
And even more telling, the slow, sad exodus of young traders who find they no longer have a job.
Perhaps it was directed at the departing back of a certain young trader.
"I am honored to be able to assist, in even so small a way, with the young trader's education."
This time, the restaurant is being very careful about allowing young traders to open house accounts, she said.