The story ends with some young travelers they help telling them about the nuclear war, and how the world is ending.
The old couple entertain a young traveler whom they had rescued from the sea earlier in their lives.
The costume of the young traveler was both extremely simple and appropriate.
AT one time, student air fares consistently offered the best deals to young travelers; these days the situation is not so simple.
With the exception of one college student, my husband and I, in our 30's, were the youngest travelers.
The club was the most popular among young foreign travelers.
"Why, I was hoping for a nice young traveler to use my spare room tonight," the woman said.
For Tumi, this would be young male travelers who are much more interested in style.
In addition, older people may not be as ready as younger travelers to go to a different place every day.
In the mid-1990s some 19 young travelers had made allegations of sexual abuse against six people associated with the residential home.