Because their prey is typically aquatic, the younger turtles are found in water more often than adults.
About eight weeks later young turtles emerge from the eggs and begin their journey to the sea.
We nestled like young turtles that be twin Close till the morn-star chased the moon away.
When the eggs hatched, the young turtles would instinctively find their way back to the lake.
These young turtles often fall prey to predators such as fish and birds.
The young turtles grow rapidly at first, sometimes doubling their size in the first year.
After hatching, the live birth count is recorded and then the young turtles are safely released to sea.
Once the eggs hatch, visitors are invited to participate in the release of the young turtles to the sea.
But if a young turtle survives its first six years, it has a good chance of living a long life.
These young turtles are rarely seen as they swim in deep, pelagic waters.