He helped start the careers of many young unknowns, and he was not shy about exerting his influence over those who relied upon his patronage.
In the beginning, the guests were mostly younger unknowns getting an invaluable national showcase on television.
He was commended for turning his Japanese team of young, inexperienced unknowns into a slick passing, talented squad of youngsters.
Even the decision to cast young unknowns, like Lily Cole, was a stroke of genius.
You can see brand new works by young unknowns and those of painters who have toiled for years in relative obscurity.
"It's very hard for young unknowns in Britain to get a New York gallery to take them on," she said.
Marilyn's 1946 contract with Twentieth Century-Fox brought her a modest salary of $75 a week - typical for young unknowns at the time.
"American Idol" invites young unknowns to coast to fame on classic pop tunes of the past.
Fox has traditionally cast almost all of its shows with young, relative unknowns rather than with established big stars.
Representative of the film's plot and location, most of the cast were young, relative unknowns, and local to the area.