Ms. Frank's intonation is less controlled than that of some young virtuosos nowadays, partly because she ventures more.
Selection for participants is highly competitive, as the Festival draws interest from young virtuosi from across the world.
Two young virtuosos of Indian classical music perform on instruments rarely heard in New York.
The piece is full of harmonics, double stops, left hand pizzicatos, and is often performed by young virtuosos.
This formation of young virtuosos will always enrapture its audience.
These were the years when most young virtuosi would be making their mark on the world stage.
There are some new young male virtuosos.
Still younger virtuosos can be heard at the finals of an annual competition for teen-age instrumentalists held by the Greater Bridgeport Symphony.
Most of the long program's actual dancing was done by young virtuosos from several countries.
The physical presence alone admonishes the theatrics of young virtuosos trying to wave beautiful music into being with a flailing arm or a beseeching glance toward heaven.