More than 900 youngsters gather at Dolerw Park in Newtown to contest the TSB Welsh Schools cross-country titles tomorrow.
The youngsters gathered there and slumped around the uncovered banquet tables leaped to their feet.
Afterward, the youngsters would gather and dance bit by bit until they learn the dance steps.
While adults sit in a classroom and watch a videotape of a guru's teachings, youngsters gather in small groups to learn about their culture and religion.
This year, some 600 youngsters will gather at a Christmas party at a South Side High School to receive their gifts.
The rain had stopped and youngsters were gathering on the school yard-boys for baseball, girls for volleyball, both sexes for soccer.
The youngsters gathered by the main road.
He'd raced another car reaching speeds of up to 80 miles an hour before losing control and ploughing into a roadside bench where the youngsters gathered.
The youngsters gather hay and water for the camels and make their wish lists.