It's a very good feeling inside for the youngsters to be joining in.
Five youngsters join hands with a cop to solve crimes in Mumbai.
When the old people laughed, the youngsters joined in with nervous chuckles.
Officially, any youngster willing to wield a gun can join a police team for 30 rupees ($1.70) a day.
Other youngsters can join in as a kind of reason-aloud team.
Later they led the carol singing, encouraging the youngsters to join in; it all helped to pass the time on our 3 -hour flight.
The building is within walking distance of several low-income housing projects where youngsters typically join gangs.
Also it aims at motivating the youngsters to "Join the Army and serve the nation".
So you're saying that maybe this youngster ran away and joined the army.
The youngster would join the club for the season 2007-08, signing a four-year deal.