The four youngsters show flashes of brilliance.
Only minor grazes as yet, where some unwary youngster had shown himself for a moment between the merlons.
Although the youngster showed no inclination for any sports, Calvin thought he would benefit by playing basketball and put him on the school team.
The youngsters showed him how to use the mouse and slipped a silvery disk into the machine.
The youngsters behind them showed promise, in particular 15-year-old Kimmie Meissner, but none seemed quite ready to challenge for the top.
Even youngsters show a lack of respect for law enforcement, Chief Schremmer says, talking back to the police when they are asked to stop loitering.
For the first time, the youngster showed some normal boyish excitement.
Told that the youngster showed great promise, the parents decided to leave her for nine months, not even bothering to ask for a scholarship.
Both youngsters were showing definite signs of burning themselves out.
But it was in her mental approach that the Czech youngster really showed her mettle.