In 1996 nearly 7,000 youngsters spent at least two weeks with host families in 13 states and Canada.
About 40 youngsters at a time spend a few hours each day at the career camp's activity center on the reservation.
You youngsters spend all your time worrying about bullying and women.
Some 800 youngsters spend 7 to 10 days there each year.
Every day, the youngsters spend one period talking about their fears and other problems in a group session with a psychologist.
Reaching for Ancestors Why would youngsters spend a summer straining themselves with the challenges of learning a language?
Parents and children were asked to fill out diaries describing how the youngsters spent their day.
Typically, a youngster spends about a year in the program, but the time can vary.
But in poor families, many youngsters spend Saturdays earning money or helping at home, which prevents them attending such classes.
Personally, Thirsk suspected the youngster was spending at least part of that time catching his breath.