On December 1 last year, four youths attacked the Ks outside the shop.
But some adults in the complex acknowledged that youths there have in turn attacked and aggravated the homeless men, almost as a sport.
The youth attacked while they dodged the dwarf.
In retaliation, black youths attacked and killed a Hasidic Jew.
The violence reached a peak last weekend, when youths in 20 German towns attacked buildings where foreigners live.
Officials then inferred that the youth, high on drugs, had attacked the officer.
Paul Lanaghan suffered 3 stab wounds when 4 youths attacked him.
The car then stopped, and four youths emerged and attacked me.
In the incident, a dozen white youths attacked three black men, one of whom died when he was hit by a car.
A fight ensued, and some other youths attacked him.