The internet and spread of western culture has encouraged the youth, of countries like Sierra Leone, to express themselves through new styles of music.
American youth (37.7% of males and 51% of females) express dissatisfaction with their bodies.
Online content sharing sites have made it easy for youth to not only express themselves and their ideas through digital media, but also connect with large networked communities.
The youth, Ahmad Mulloy, expresses a plaintive regret that the Americans won.
This organization allows so that the youth can express and document their lived experiences and current events through the various journalism projects the organization creates.
Kashmiri youth express their protest against the security forces, by displaying "I Protest" banners in blogs, social networking sites, etc.
The black youth in Pascoe's study often ridiculed one another for "acting white," and did not express gender policing to the same degree as white boys.
Police officers said three youths expressed remorse in their confessions, in which they described the incident as stemming from a robbery for spending money on clothes.
Finally, Haitian American youth creatively express themselves in different ways.
That is why festival, shows, concerts are always organised to let youth express themselves and entertain them the same time.