At 18, all French youths would receive a handbook explaining their rights as union citizens.
Three police officers and one youth received minor injuries, the police said.
This is a major demographic shift from the 19th century, when few youth received any formal education.
The youth and his 38-year-old father, who was in the front passenger seat, received minor injuries.
In both cases, the youths receive help getting into school and staying there.
The Malaysian youth however, were far from over with grunge and received 1.2 mg very well.
From the views the youth received he seemed to be in a state of absolute dejection.
Judging from the look on Baldur's face, the youth might just have received his death blow.
There was anger when the youths received only a caution.
Nearly 3,000 children and youth are receiving the support of sponsorship in Little Rock.