Many holes have been cut in the fence along the tracks by youths seeking more privacy, and to quickly escape police.
Both men and women were being assaulted by youths seeking cash, he claimed, when bringing their produce to the market at around 3 or 4 a.m.
The battle spread across 130 feet of the rail yard wall, with the two youths seeking to outpaint each other.
Initially, hipsters were usually middle-class white youths seeking to emulate the lifestyle of the largely black jazz musicians they followed.
Arasaktchi is a routine story of a youth seeking vendetta against the corrupt lawyers .
It also seems to carry a strong appeal for large numbers of youths seeking an outlet for protest.
The prince found twelve youths seeking service.
A very European scene: blithe youth seeking diversions.
But the Chain Gang was not a collection of idle youths seeking incidental thrills.
This bridge, along with Albert Bridge, have been known to be used as diving boards by youths seeking adventure.