The league recently reached an agreement with the players association that would put $6 million into youth-oriented programs.
The plan was to cancel Perfect Strangers and replace it with another "youth-oriented" program that would be a better fit with the other shows.
These youth-oriented programs are intended to cultivate a collective movement to inspire confidence, creativity, hope, and ambition in both native and non-native youth.
The entertainment side was telling sports: we want to push our youth-oriented programs.
These wonderful groups are responsible for successful anti-drug and other youth-oriented programs in Livingston.
There are several youth-oriented programs.
Generation K - a youth-oriented program produced in cooperation with the Keepers Club International.
It was largely a youth-oriented program with musical performances as an integral part of each and every storyline.
We have made some specific choices by increasing the amounts for youth-oriented programmes.
Because of this callsign change, they expanded their programming from sports-related shows to youth-oriented programs.