Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
See how to stay youthful for many years to come.
He was much too youthful for the role of father.
And he is not exactly the most youthful of men.
In such a market, a youthful image is more important than ever.
In fact, she was very youthful, and almost too real.
Those in the first group were, for the most part, youthful; they had come from Washington.
He may have taken special interest in her, thinking back to his own youthful practice of playing church.
Many of her patients are youthful, beautiful women who want to look their best, she said.
But one thing he did know: behind that youthful face was knowledge.
Youthful works these are, but by no means student pieces.
Exercise is one of the best ways to stay youthful.
Of the two it was the man whose figure appeared the more youthful.
Free from fear, I was ready to live out my youthful dream.
The portrait is from the first, youthful years of his administration.
Spring will bring something new for a more youthful audience.
He took a step back as though to survey the youthful chief.
Her voice was quite high even now, musical and almost youthful.
"While I may have lost my youthful looks, this fellow is still looking for a job."
I'm not sure the others even know because I've always had a youthful attitude toward life.
Mothers in their youthful 70's through 90's are probably out of the running.
It was good to hear his youthful voice on the bridge once more.
Thought of a youthful face, and wondered how old he'd been when the change took him.
Despite being 27 years old at the time, it was said his youthful good looks helped him win the role of the student.
But the way he cut it was so hip, youthful.
Not a very pleasant face, despite the youthful good looks.