Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
What is the single best thing I can do to keep my skin's youthful appearance?
He was a big fellow, large for his youthful appearance.
Despite her youthful appearance, she had years of practice at reading faces.
A lot of people are willing to pay a high price for a more youthful appearance.
He is given a more youthful appearance with digital technology.
He is also described as having a youthful appearance and soft brown eyes.
"It helps your own body create a more youthful appearance."
His face was lined and old, but the skin had a youthful appearance.
Any advice you can offer to help me to maintain my youthful appearance?
Good health often is reflected in an attractive, youthful appearance.
He has the youthful appearance of an eight-year old child.
They lived to a very old age but with a youthful appearance and eventually died peacefully.
The three elders seemed a bit disappointed in his youthful appearance.
Despite their youthful appearance, these people carried themselves with the gravity of adults.
She mostly plays young characters due to her youthful appearance.
J has a sister, a nice person with a youthful appearance and matching age.
Join us next week when we peel the years off our subject, giving it the youthful appearance of a baby.
It may be Mother Nature's way of giving you a youthful appearance.
She had put on weight in the last few weeks, which had the effect of giving her a more youthful appearance.
There is also the fact that most of them are very young, or at least of a youthful appearance.
It is about women's rights and civil rights - not a youthful appearance.
Some, as mentioned, cling to youthful appearance and risk looking absurd.
These officers are all young and have especially youthful appearances, which allows them to pass for teenagers.
But after that she did not age any more; she kept the same youthful appearance while her husband grew old and died.
In a world where the old men had it all, there was no social benefit to a youthful appearance when one actually was young.