To get there, you'll have to ride a jeep or a trike for 3 minutes or so from the town proper going far down the area before ascending to the zigzag road.
Miss Kirgassa asked, rocketing her car down a zigzag road at terrifying speed.
On the way visitors can see the greenish beauty of tea garden, the hills and the zigzag road through the hills.
To visit Nahargah (Tiger) Fort, we transferred from our tour bus to miniature buses capable of maneuvering up the zigzag road to the mountaintop.
The Dome of the Ascension dominates the Mount of Olives, up which winds a zigzag road.
An alternative port south of Itbayat with 14 zigzag roads.
The sharp zigzag roads were a test of our faith in brake pads as the aging bus rumbled down steep descents.
For the past decade, Russia, like Poland and Bulgaria, has followed a zigzag road to democracy.
Due to hilly terrain, Paracelis has numerous zigzag roads in most parts, including access roads that connect the municipality to other border towns.
On both sides of its zigzag roads, travelers can view the vast cornfield plantations alongside.