Downed pilots could zip away on an electrified 21-speed bike instead of waiting to be captured.
During this clamor, the other dancers continued to zip lightly away.
The cigarette dropped unnoticed from between his fingers and zipped away on the wind.
The spark zipped away to join its fellows, and the swarm of them faded into the night.
The black stallion's skin shuddered, sending the insect zipping away, but the young man knew it would be back.
A bronze arrow whizzed into the kitchen, cluttered and zipped away.
With a twang of the bowstring, the arrow zipped away into the night.
Perhaps it was a variety of demon that could vaporize at will, zip away to report, and return while they were sleeping.
Nodding, he zipped away in a clatter of dragonfly wings.
Then it was just a matter of stepping into the skis and zipping away.