Pretty nice, actually - African figures, Japanese prints, a lot of guns.
His works commented on important black South African figures and aspects important to his community.
The replica of the African American figure will be 10 x 12 ft. and created in Indiana limestone.
Other subjects included African American figures, animals, and Native Americans.
It was made from the same material, but African figures in black adorned the walls, like ancient cave wall paint- ings done anew.
The African figure is depicted carrying a skull wearing a conquistador's helmet in one hand and a rapier in the other.
A couple of traditional African figures, a man and woman, were supposedly intended to help spouses get along with each other.
I had a grandmother buy a set of postcards with African figures on them and have them framed for her granddaughter's birthday.
She looked up at his ebony face, as still as a carved African figure.
Inside was a small, carved African figure with weirdly painted features.