The Aristotelian tradition specified that "the first and least parts of a family are master and slave, husband and wife, father and children"
Personalism separates from Aristotelian tradition because it considers that the main characteristic in a person is not intelligence, but will and the heart.
He also felt antagonistic to the Aristotelian tradition as a definer of values, but he didn't feel this tradition should be left unreckoned with.
The "Aristotelian tradition" was still an important intellectual framework in by the 17th century, although by that time natural philosophers had moved away from much of it.
Anger was depicted in relation to gender, and marked "a departure from the Aristotelian tradition".
One line of thought grows from the Aristotelian tradition, especially as developed by Thomas Aquinas.
However true and useful, the Aristotelian tradition was too secularist, too hostile to dreams and revelation.
He defended and enriched the Aristotelian tradition for the seventeenth century.
Zabarella's work reflects his teaching in the Aristotelian tradition.
The concept appears in the Arabic Aristotelian tradition as jâzim, or 'truth-apt'.