The following websites offer advice about researching black and Asian roots.
But to get this far in politics, he has had to leave his Asian roots far behind.
He emphasized his African and Asian roots, but at the moment of truth, when lucrative advertising dollars met reality, dollars triumphed.
Shows will address Hawaii's ethnic and historical heritage, its Asian roots and natural surroundings.
In my opinion," he continued, drawing near, his wide face hinting at his Central Asian roots, "we're very close to serious changes.
It should be noted that there are probably some Americans with Asian roots who do not embrace the pan-Asian-American label.
The homes on the northern half of the block are now owned by people with Indian and other Asian roots.
Most of the actors are a generation or two removed from their Asian roots.
It is full of Asian roots.
Csoma was searching for the ancient Asian roots of the Hungarian language in the Tibetan tongue.