Upon graduation, Wang was sent to the Asian section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and began his career as a diplomat.
The white and Asian sections of New York were eager for a sign that Mr. Dinkins would take their side when black activists behaved unfairly.
Still, there was concern that the vacant stores would discourage new national retailers from moving into Flushing, a predominantly Asian section of Queens.
You were never known for your generosity toward the Asian section of humanity.
The geographer, Ptolemy, reports them at what must be their maximum extent, divided into adjoining European and central Asian sections.
The spices are available in Asian food stores and the Asian section of better supermarkets.
By contrast Time Out carries a large Asian section, but its reviews are confined to London.
Geographically this range marks the northern part of the border between Asian and European sections of the Eurasian continent.
Labour, with its reasonable and historic fears of parties within the party, has often rejected the idea of separate black and Asian sections.
He said that there had been numerous gang-style killings in Asian sections of the city in recent years, but that little attention had been paid until now.