Asian stores frequently use cards to pay for their purchases from designers.
Beginning around 2005 McDonald's also offered a rice burger in some of its Asian stores, with mixed results.
I can't always get decent ginger locally, so now buy lovely fresh stuff very cheaply from an Asian store.
Big Asian stores are more enterprising when it comes to entertainment for their customers, especially younger ones.
If you suspect you should begin preparing for a trip to a good Asian herbal store, this is generally not necessary.
Jack Rubin, 81, says he is uncomfortable going into Asian stores.
"There are all these Asian stores now - not one that's American," she said.
It was hard to find but was able to buy if at an asian store in town.
For this reason, cupping sets can be found in some Asian stores.
The 1991 and 1992 toys also found their way to Asian and Australian stores.