As a result, when the Asian troubles sharpened last week, many investors who had long considered pulling back from technology stocks went into full retreat.
In just over a month and a half bond yields have dropped more than 40 basis points as a result of those Asian troubles.
Investors seem to be bracing themselves for the second wave of Asian troubles.
He also expressed fear about the Asian troubles, adding, "In fact, there is evidence it's getting worse."
So far, neither has happened, although people have been hearing every day about what the Asian trouble could do to them.
Because no one in the industry saw either the glut of PC's or the Asian trouble coming, chip makers kept building production well into 1997.
Japan's woes take center stage in most mind's-eye views of Asian economic troubles.
Analysts said the Asian troubles were also affecting the company's competitors in the semiconductor industry as well as the broader technology sector.
For most of the summer, Latin markets had ignored the Asian troubles, but the worldwide panic hit them hard at the end.
Analysts said, however, that they expected the gap to widen considerably in future months as Asian economic trouble squeezed exports and created cheaper imports.