A French reconnaissance balloon, l'Entreprenant, operated by the Aerostatic Corps, continuously informed General of Division (MG) Jean-Baptiste Jourdan about Austrian movements.
From the 1870s Deckert was identified with the Austrian anti-Semitic movement.
In France, in spite of the publication of the Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne de de liturgie, it was only through contact with German and Austrian movements that practical experiments were begun.
The organization Call to Disobedience (Aufruf zum Ungehorsam in German) is an Austrian movement mainly composed of dissident Catholic priests which started in 2006.
He played a leading role in the Austrian movement.
Freda Meissner-Blau (born March 11, 1927) is an Austrian politician, activist, and prominent figurehead in the Austrian environmental movement.
This army was to observe any Austrian movement through Switzerland and also observe the Swiss army of General Bachmann.
The Freedom party no longer holds its "German nationalist stance" but has become an "Austrian patriotic movement".