Bobby Lowe died in Detroit, Michigan at 86 years of age.
Gehrig, Colavito, Mike Schmidt and Bobby Lowe, who did it for Boston in 1894, were the only players who previously had hit four home runs in successive at-bats.
Three days later, Selee returned Tinker to shortstop and assigned Evers to second base to back up Bobby Lowe.
December 8 - Bobby Lowe, 86, second baseman for multiple Boston champions in the 1890s.
One of those is Bobby Lowe, who testified in the first trial that he had seen Mr. Aleman kill Mr. Logan.
It came from a surprising source: a quiet, law-abiding citizen named Bobby Lowe told investigators he had been walking his dog when he saw Aleman murder the union steward.
In other words, is there any additional documentation that can help seal the case for Christ, as Bobby Lowe's testimony sealed the case against Harry Aleman?
As members of the family died off and scattered, it was Bobby Lowe who made sure the pipes didn't burst in winter.
In contrast to Bobby Lowe's feat two years earlier, which was aided by a short foul line, all four of Delahanty's were inside-the-park.
On May 30, 1894 Chamberlain was the pitcher when Bobby Lowe became the first major league player to hit four home runs in one game.