The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, the Boer farmers who can't read or write.
Some of the troops defected to join Boer farmers.
Boer farmers gained grazing concessions, followed by mining rights.
The Boer farmers did not understand the meaning and only viewed it as cultural art that was not harmful, so it was allowed to continue.
At the time, Boer farmers used the Bahurutshe as slaves on their corn fields around Bloemfontein.
Enkeldoorn was founded by Afrikaans-speaking Boer farmers and settlers in around 1850.
Even the repugnance which the Boer farmer felt toward an Englishman who had taken a Kaffir wife, they expected some of that, too.
Peter, in whatever you do, you must ask how this will affect the Boer farmer, for he is white South Africa.
Dundee was established in 1882 after the discovery of coal close to the surface by the Boer farmers.
Sir George did not give an answer but was sympathetic to the Boer farmers.