He provided front-line and in-depth coverage of the burgeoning Chinese environmental movement.
Political, economic, social and personal issues contributed to the circulation of the Chinese movement between various locations.
The group later reemerged in the late 18th century in the form of an inspired Chinese movement.
It was in Japan where Chen became influenced by socialism and the growing Chinese dissident movement.
The loss of Taiwan would become a rallying point for the Chinese nationalist movement in the years that followed.
Military officials in Taiwan flatly denied the reports, saying they had detected no Chinese military movements.
Chinese movement on the prison labor issue is one of the key conditions President Clinton has laid down.
Charter 08 - a Chinese movement inspired in part by Charter 77.
Director John Curran suggested setting the film during 1925, when the events of the Chinese nationalist movement were taking place.
Chanting scriptures (as in all Chinese religious movements and faiths)