Made for £20,000, Compulsion won the British Council award for 'Best New Short Film' at the London film festival.
He won an Oppenheim-John Downes memorial award in 2003, and Arts Council awards in 2004 and 2007.
Medical Research Council (MRC)awards are available to students from Northern Ireland as well as those from other parts of the UK.
"As you can see, none of these children are likely to win the President's Council award very soon," Schmeltzer said as he watched the girl scale the bars.
Blakemore has been the recipient of Arts Council awards, a British Council Travelling Exhibition and in 1992 won the Fox Talbot Award for Photography.
After a year's postdoctoral research, including a short spell in Sweden on a British Council award, Worswick decided that a long term career at the bench was not for him.
She has received several Arts Council awards, including a residency at The Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Artist in Schools, and Artist in the Community.
Professor Cureton served on the President's Council on Physical Fitness under five Presidents and received several Council awards.
British Council award for Travel to England, 1965.
He also won a British Council award.