With more than 1.9 million English-language articles alone, the potential for abuse is enormous, especially by anonymous users [source: Wikimedia].
While there have always been English-language abstracts and occasional English-language articles in the magazine, the primary language has been French since its inception.
However, English-language articles began to appear immediately.
New media researcher Andrew Lih blogged that he could not read the English-language article on the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 in China.
In excess of one million English-language articles.
This 8-page supplement features a selection of English-language articles from The New York Times.
He quickly gained widespread international attention, publishing numerous English-language articles and books.
See also the English-language article Derksen and Meijsing (2009).
Occasional supplements to the journal include only English-language articles, either in their original version or translated from Portuguese.
It's always been called that in English-language articles and everyone knows what it refers to.