In the Santa Ana Unified School District, about 55 percent of students are English-language learners and 75 percent come from low-income families.
Nearly 17 percent of the district's 25,000 students are enrolled in so-called classes for English-language learners.
English-language learners arguably have even more to lose or gain in the high school years than their English-speaking peers, the report's authors said at the news conference.
It also has a high percentage of English-language learners and students with special needs.
In addition, our school offers many after-school, Saturday tutoring programs, athletics, art, media and technology classes that give support to the English-language learner.
Under this test, an acceptable program for English-language learners is as follows:
Misconceptions about teaching English-language learners.
She had a special affinity for the most vulnerable and those who most need a voice, especially children with special needs and English-language learners.
The Downside: English-language learners need more materials and services.
And Mr. Klein said a similar policy would apply to special education students and English-language learners.