The February 1855 incident reportedly involved a 100-mile (160-kilometer) stretch of tracks, which even crossed 14-foot (4-meter) walls.
After the 12 February incident, radiation levels were up to 19 becquerels per cubic meter of air: 12 times normal.
The February 1999 incident proved catastrophic to Tracht's radio career, igniting protests from black and white listeners alike.
She pleaded guilty on 14 June 2012 to trespass charges regarding the February incident.
Mike Benson, a spokesman for the safety board, refused to comment on the February incident.
The grocery is significant as the site of the February 1920 incident which touched off the "Rum Rebellion."
The friend, Christoffer Burmeister, was killed in the February 1997 incident.
Chief Flynn said a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrators in the February incidents was still being offered.
Attacks such as this February 2009 incident have become a seemingly common occurrence in the world.
According to a local Jewish community leader, police were still investigating the February incident at the end of the reporting period.