According to the Harris poll, this is a large and growing group.
A Harris poll of 2,200 men and women conducted for the group found that 61 percent did not know all the words.
A Harris poll showed that the candidate trailed the president 43% to 48%.
N: Did you see the Harris poll, by any chance?
Harris Polls, for example, asks 1,000 people every other month what they consider to be the most important questions for the government to address.
A recent Harris poll found that 74 percent of Americans are overweight.
The Harris poll found that almost two-thirds of the organizations it polled moved to new space within their home communities.
The same Harris Poll found that nearly half the respondents expressed some interest in watching a game.
The Harris Poll uses three questions to identify likely voters.
A recent Harris poll found a majority who thought the country had become richer and freer of government restraint in the last 10 years.