Some women in America are prepared to continue with hormone replacement for life.
It this is positive, the woman should stop taking the hormone replacement.
But if all the women took combined hormone replacement for five years, about 560 cases would be expected.
"Of course, the other alternative is no hormone replacement at all."
The researchers identified the two groups of women and then looked back at whether they had taken hormone replacement.
After 10 years on hormone replacement, according to the experience of 80,000 nurses, the increase in risk is about 30 percent.
If you've read this far, I suspect you'll never use any hormone replacement except the natural kind.
But for men it will probably be years before doctors know whether they, too, can profit from hormone replacement and at what price.
"There's no long-term experience or research at all on natural hormone replacement, though, is there?"
However, hormone replacement is associated with an increase in adverse events, several of which are serious.