Mexicans are largely enthusiastic about President Clinton, giving him a 69 percent favorable rating in a May 1 poll.
Around 30 people have died in political violence during street protests and rallies for the May 16 poll.
The May 26 poll boosted the Congress tally in the 545-seat parliament to 269.
A May 2011 poll of likely Republican voters showed Reeves with a 51-18 percent advantage over Hewes.
An early May poll saw Jones taking 5% of the vote.
The latest national and local elections are the May 2013 polls, followed in October by barangay elections.
The margin of sampling error was plus or minus six percentage points in the May 5-6 poll and five points in the later survey.
The same May poll that found the country so wildly off-track showed agreement on much else.
The results of the May poll also indicate where investors think the market is most vulnerable.