The Minimalist movement returned to its Eastern origins Saturday night with a collection of Somei Satoh's music at the Asia Society.
Initially a painter, Huebler moved on to produce geometric Formica sculptures in the early '60s, which aligned him with the Minimalist movement.
Minimalist Sculptor Is Dead Donald Judd, 65, who abandoned painting for sculpture, was one of the foremost American postwar artists and a major figure in the Minimalist movement.
During the Minimalist movement, artists weren't interested in color or even painting for the most part; MacConnel's art just wasn't accepted as serious.
Baer was accepted as a peer in the burgeoning Minimalist movement by such artists as Sol LeWitt, Donald Judd, and Dan Flavin.
Mr. Riley and Steve Reich are two-thirds of the Minimalist movement that is intent on turning repeating melodic and rhythmic motives into complex music.
But the ideas spelled out in his reviews and essays in many ways gave the Minimalist movement its backbone.
He latched on to the 10 or 15 artists who defined the Minimalist movement.
"What you see is what you see," he stated of his work in 1966, words that became the unofficial slogan of the Minimalist movement.
It occupies a giant glass box and so obviously harks back to the geometric forms of the Minimalist movement of the '70s.