However, there is an ever-expanding population of Muslim and Hindu believers in the town.
Undermining such an act by disclosing any complicity in it would be anathema to fundamentalist Muslim believers.
To the Muslim believer, Islam offers an incontestable divine truth and has clearly shaped today's world.
But in the course of time, sufi has come to designate all Muslim believers in mystic union.
No zealous Muslim believer would write this way of dogs, for to the faithful dogs are unclean.
At this meeting, Pope Benedict expressed "all the esteem and the profound respect that (he has) for Muslim believers."
The people Project Mercy serves in Yetebon are predominantly Muslim believers.
This is happening as we here in Europe are bending over backwards to accommodate the endless sensibilities of Muslim believers.
Rather, in a speech that lasted about five minutes, he said that he respected "Muslim believers."
Niger has a history of good relations between the majority Muslim believers and the much smaller minority faiths.